Ant bridge picture : CC-BY-SA Igor Chuxlancev
At SPPIN we believe that doing science in a crowd makes all the difference.
This is why we do not only function as teams, each with their well-defined research topic and expertise, but we also have the TRANSVERSAL AXES. Here, we address specific questions brought up by one team combining equipment, skills and manpower from other teams.
This is the SPPIN attitude.

Starting ramp
At SPPIN we believe that science is made from fresh ideas. We believe in experience, in knowledge and continuity. But above all, we believe in EMERGING TALENTS. We are an academic playground, a laboratory of ideas, a starting ramp. This is, why we seek young talents and support them. With space, with equipment, with infrastructure, with a mentoring programme.
This is the SPPIN attitude.
At SPPIN we believe in Science with a big S. We demand originality, reproducibility, transparency, and we will always be ambitious to keep up the highest quality standard. We are constantly discussing science, confronting our ideas, sharing our knowledge. We believe that it takes a long time to build up a reputation and very little to loose it. And this is why we care about RIGOUR. Not only for ourselves, but also for the one working on the bench next to us.
This is the SPPIN attitude.


Open access
As a research institute predominantly being supported by public money, we believe that our research should SERVE THE SCIENTIFIC COMMUNITY but also address a larger audience. This is why we deposit our manuscripts on pre-print servers like arxiv or bioRxiv, we publish in journals that encourage review transparency, like eLife or Frontiers, we make available our data and software codes and we actively promote platforms like Pubpeer.
This is the SPPIN attitude.
SPPIN is made by people who are committed to working together. To sharing ideas, material, by helping one another. By covering missing months of salary for a colleague when it comes to keeping a talented post-doc. And we can be certain, that one day, a colleague will do the same, when another person will be in need. At SPPIN, you are part of a SCIENTIFIC COMMUNITY.
This is the SPPIN attitude.


At SPPIN, we believe that a small team, a group of people working together on the same theme, is the « unit cell » for doing science. We respect diversity, foster women in science, encourage excellence, we believe in solidarity, and in growing together. SPPIN is more than a hotel for research teams. It is an institutum, a fundamental research-enabling facility, A WAY OF DOING SCIENCE, to build, to create, to raise, to educate.
This is the SPPIN attitude.
At SPPIN, we know that it takes strong minds, technical skills, courage and perseverance, to embark on a research project and to bring it to a good end. But even more, we know that today’s science is the outcome of cooperation and collaboration. We believe that one can carry the other, inspire, give motivation and support, and one can help to bring up the ensemble up to higher peaks.
This is the SPPIN attitude.


TRANSVERSE RESEARCH LINES are part of the scientific strategy of the SPPIN These bundle collaborative research efforts, in which multiple teams of the SPPIN finance, build and share research infrastructure that could not easily be bought or maintained by a single team. These efforts currently include, i- the M-Cube light-sheet mesoscope, the preparation of hIPSC organoids and the development of a universal, extremely rapid and non-noxious tissue clearing technique.
This is the SPPIN attitude.